
Thursday, December 29, 2016

What TRULY matters...Grit??

😧3.6 that's it??

I could hardly believe I only scored a 3.6 on the grit test in Angela Duckworth's Grit.

In my mind a 3.6 out of 5 is a failing grade.  I responded to all the statements without overthinking and applying them to my daily life and I only scored a 3.6!

In my search for what TRULY matters, I have chosen to eliminate many things in my life: soap making, organizing, group leading.  This has filled my mentality with the idea that I am giving up.  But at what gain? (See what I did there?)  I am giving up static in my life to be more focused on the things that need me now: family, career, personal wellbeing. Does that mean I am not gritty?  Does that mean that I took the test in the wrong capacity?  Should there be a Grit test for moms? HMMMMM...

Of course some of you are thinking who cares about the grit test?  But someone once looked at me and said "I just love your passion for everything."   And this is something I cherished since college.

Commence the overthinking!

Mom Rant
I have the perseverance to deal with my children in a patient and kind manner to teach them right from wrong and how to manage their time and be kind, nurturing people.  Not mention the times I fly off the handle when they don't do what I ask or make a crazy decision or fail a test out of sheet neglect.  Are these not the true  definitions of passion and perseverance?

Wife Rant
In a world littered with broken homes and divorces my husband and I work meticulously at building a solid foundation for our marriage and family life.  We have implemented many different theories and beliefs and ethics into our family that have taken time and perseverance and passion.  We have created a system of fighting and loving and passion and lifestyle that is the epitome of what defines grit.  Is this worthy of a 3.6?

Woman Rant
Full time job, cooking, cleaning, volunteering, wife, mother, teacher, coach - the list is endless.  This is the first time ever that women are required to wear so many hats and my grit scale is a shabby 3.6??? This simply can't be.

If grit truly is the combination of passion and perseverance in tasks as a mother, wife and woman, how could I only score a 3.6.

Teacher Rant 
So if this is truly my score and I truly have a growth mindset, did I fail and have to learn from this in order to conquer my grittiness? Is my search for what TRULY matters going to make my score soar to the 5 that I deserve?  Is the number 3.6, the driving force that will make my search for what TRULY matters a lasting testimony to my grittiness?

Cheers to Mom Grit - The driving force for my journey!

Talk Soon,

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

What TRULY Matters!

It's been a while and boy have I been busy.  Buzz buzz buzz! Taking on this and that and more and more.

In a matter of two years, I started a flourishing soap business, organized a farmer's market and started a community group for girls to deal with bullying -  add that to the things I already did - coach lacrosse, teach ccd, keep bees and chickens and more and more and more.  Not only do I have a problem saying no, but I have a serious problem of starting things.  I was involved in so many different things I started to realize I wasn't enjoying any of them.  Putting energy into so many different things lends itself to being overworked and underpaid.

So I did myself a favor.  I went to the last moment I was truly happy.  I just turned thirty; I was running every morning, taking my children to the park daily, practicing Yoga regularly and being present in my marriage.  So I simplified my list and it looked something like this:
  1. Yoga
  2. Running
  3. Spending time with my family.
(Not necessarily in that order.)

What does your list look like and how will you find your journey to define what TRULY matters?

I hope you'll join me on my journey back to me!

Talk Soon!

Friday, January 29, 2016

Leap Year Photo Challenge

Today's mom works full time, runs the house, chaffeurs everyone to sporting events, to dances, to hang out with their friends, etc.  The cycle is endless and trying to find quality time is harder than finding Waldo.

This February some moms and I in are going to challenge ourselves to spend a bit more time with our children throughout the day with a photo challenge.  I thought that February (Valentine's Day month) would be the perfect time to make this effort.  Here is the list of photos you and your child will collect throughout the month.  Feel free to interpret any way you want!  That is part of the fun.  Miss a day?  No pressure!  Try to work it out the next day.

Use the hashtag #felicityformoms on Instagram/Twitter/Facebook to connect with others completing the challenge.   

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Bonus: 4 ways to survive the snow!

I usually only post once a month because of time and whatever else is dropped in my lap, but Snowmeggedan has granted me a moment to share what will be going on in Micha's house.

Dreaming of Summer!
I am a summer baby!  Sunshine and beaches, pools and margaritas!  And the sky has dropped 10-12 inches of snow on my tiny farm (I use the term loosely).  Despite the fact that I am in utter denial, I have devised a plan to make Snowmaggedon a bit more bearable.

Check it out!

1.  Prepare with a Plant
It's the end of January a great time to start your seedlings.  I always have some left over from last year and I always try them for another year.  So I have the water bottles and seed starter soil ready to go!  Start now and by march they will be all set for the greenhouse!

2.  Relax with Mandalas

I love coloring mandalas, but as a retired artist, I would love to try to draw my own.  So this weekend my daughters and I will have a go at drawing our own.  I found an awesome tutorial about how to draw mandalas.  Check it out and get creative!

3.  Create Warmth with Sun Salutations
If the sun doesn't want to come out, go to the sun.  Sun Salutations are a wonderful way to warm the breath, body and soul.

Work your way around clockwise, breathe and feel your body create the heat of summer!

4.  Cuddle with your favorite hot tea & a book

Tried and true-warm tea and a good book can transcend me from anywhere.  So farewell snow I will be sailing through the pages to another world.

So here you are... a quick list of to-do's when the weather is doing what you don't want it to.

What will you be doing on this snowy Sunday? Comment below!

With Gratitude,

Saturday, January 9, 2016

One of my famous sayings to my students is "I never fail."  Saying this in front of a room full of high school students always yields gasps...and whats?...and yeah rights.  Their disbelief is deeply ingrained until I enlighten them to the philosophy behind - I never fail.

This year I hunted my white Moby Dick...I was Ahab bellowing "There she blows!!"  I was dying since the time I started Micha's Homemade Soap to have my soap in a store in Haddonfield.  This particular store is so hip and trendy with a wonderful reputation.  I finally mustered up the confidence to call and there it was my white whale right in view.  The woman on the phone was so nice and I was thrilled.  I emailed the woman and like a bouncy ball - right back it came.

I took this as a sign to pop on over to the store.  I gathered my press kit and some samples and set on my way.  When I walked in, the lovely lady who answered the phone was there and she was so kind.  I had a sample box for her and for the owner and lo and behold the owner was right at the cash out counter!!

We spoke...

She sniffed...

She loved!! 

I waited and waited.  I followed up...she showed interest.  I popped in again to make a purchase.  I reintroduced myself she was quite hesitant.  This was not going to happen. As Ahab, for a brief moment, I was devoured by a humongous white whale; I was feeling quite down.

I started to think I would give up Micha's and be on my merry way to a life with one less hat.

But how could I do that?  I have preached to my students for years that "I never fail"  and I AM MICHA! There is no other Micha.  Thanks to the many different people in my life who fall in love with the Micha products I create and the Micha Moments they are meant to experience, I will not fail at this either.

Part of life is reflection and learning.  And this "fail" is just another  moment to reflect, revisit and rework to make something better than ever!!

A wonderful soccer mom once said, "Perception is reality."   I invite you to have a different perception on your "fail" this 2016.

What will you reflect on, revisit and rework?? Comment below!!